A place of peace and prayer
The Garden
There are pictures of Ferrar House garden all across this site. You'll find more on the gallery page.
It is a place of peace, quiet and beauty, and perfect for sitting quietly to contemplate, reflect and pray. As a garden it fits into the context of House and countryside, complementing the purpose of the Retreat Centre.
Keeping it looking it is best is the result of some effort and input. A small and dedicated team come for a day, once a month on average, to undertake the work and creativity needed to maintain the garden and develop it. They also care for a kitchen garden with herbs and vegetables.
The team enjoys a hearty lunch in the House to fuel its activities!
Would you like to help?
If you have the time and the inclination to work as a volunteer with this team please use the contact form. It's fun and fulfilling and your work would help to create a special atmosphere of spiritual benefits to pilgrims to this place.
If you can make a financial contribution, which will be much appreciated no matter how small, then please call in or make a BACS payment to Little Gidding Trust Ltd (please contact us for BACS details) or send a cheque payable to Little Gidding Trust Limited.
Thank you.
Many thanks for financial help to:
For hardware (pots, seats, etc.)
Jane Page; Stephen Dalzell; Robert Caroe; Ron Christie; Sally and Nigel Seaman; Friends of Little Gidding
Plants and trees
Allan Bell; Stephen Dalzell; Robert Caroe; Canon Bill; Ron Christie, Susan Waters and the Friends of Little Gidding
Friends of Little Gidding; Ron Christie; Susan Waters and Anonymous visitors
Many thanks for physical help to:
Stephen Dalzell; Peter Burrows; Ryan Burrows; Nick Youd; Ron Christie; Caroline Page; Tom Capp; Susan Waters; Jenny Mortimore and Peter Holland
The regular Working Party meets once a month for hard graft and a delicious lunch - Jane Page (“Head Gardener”), Stephen Dalzell, and various much appreciated extra people on occasion.